The Golden Girls is a widely beloved sitcom from the late 80s and early 90s. There always seems to be a constant stream of reruns, and it has managed to remain pretty relevant in pop culture.
Read MoreNobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight is a Polish horror movie that was released publicly in Poland in the spring and came to American Netflix on October 28 in time for Halloween.
Read MoreSociety has consistently had a problem with hating items and media associated with young women.
Read MoreParasite is an extremely unique experience with the beginning of the movie carrying a relatively funny, lighthearted tone, but as the movie progresses, you start to get stressed. The
Read MoreEarlier this year, Foals released the first part of Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost, and it was marketed as a call back to their earlier albums.
Read MoreClass of 2021